A letter to myself...
Dear 2002 Woody,
I found this old photo of you floating around the house and thought I'd shoot you a quick letter so you can prepare yourself for the rocky road ahead.
I know you're on cloud 9 right now... proud owner of an abseil window cleaning business... the future looks incredibly exciting and bright... you get to abseil off buildings for a living!
But listen... I'm writing this letter from 2020 and I don't have much time, so I'm not going to beat around the bush.
You are in for a brutal ride...
Before it's all said and done, you'll lose 3 businesses.
You'll drink too much.
You'll get run over by a car and fracture your skull as it smashes through the windscreen of a ford falcon.
You'll get arrested.
You'll work your guts out and do hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of work for builders who never pay you.
You'll lose your mind.
You'll send your brother in law $100k in debt to buy a pressure cleaning machine that never works.
You'll finally get your business working at age 27.
You'll buy your dream Hilux... then lose your license 1 week later.
Before you get it back, you'll take another big hit from an unpaid invoice.
This time you will lose your business.
You'll watch hopelessly from your parents balcony as REPO guys come and take away your prized work Utes.
You'll try to drink and smoke your way out of depression for nearly 3 years.
You'll hurt people.
You'll be ashamed of who you are.
You'll try to fight your way hopelessly back out of it.
You'll fall back down even further.
You'll feel sorry for yourself.
You'll blame it on other people.
But lucky for you, the support of your family was unwavering.
It's not all bad though... I'm writing this from 2020 to let you know things are going to turn out ok. I just wish you knew then what I know now.
You see, not long after that photo was taken, you'll pick up your first "